The Camp Creek Story

1st Camp Creek in Maine

2016 Camp Creek

Camp Creek – the longest running jam band-organized camping music festival around, comes back to our home Connecticut in the Fall of 2022. Through the years, thousands have attended and thoroughly enjoyed a weekend of music, family and friends. This event is anticipated by many, creating a feeling of excitement that there is going to be a family reunion like no other family reunion – like all holidays rolled up into one.
There is much history here. Borne in the early 70’s from weekend-long parties on the shorefront of Narragansett, it was honed in the fields of Granby, CT and farms of Litchfield, ME. Through the years this gathering travelled each summer throughout the entire northeast, coming to an extended stay in Mariaville, NY. Now we return close to our home this fall in the beautiful Odetah Camping Resort in Bozrah, CT on September 8th-11th.
But this is not just one of many weekend camping festivals. There is something indefinably special about Camp Creek - you can’t put your finger on it. It’s a one-weekend long microcosm of life. This is an event that is incredibly personal - much like the band that named it. It’s a weekend that lives in the heart, and will stay there for the rest of one’s life. It’s a gathering of friends; families both actual and virtual; lovers of both people and music; the young; old; the in-between. Some attendees have been conceived at Camp Creek; others have brought the remembrances of followers that have passed – and all have found deep meaning in troubled times by being with, and rejoicing with each other while hearing the music of this great band and their friends.
Camp Creek has grown to mean so much to so many. It is a celebration of life, and there is every experience here. It is a home where anyone is welcome to belong, whether you have been to many Camp Creeks, or are coming for the first time. This is where relationships are made, memories are formed, and much is to be discovered. And we promise that it will continue to be alive within you long after the weekend is gone, and, sometimes unexpectedly, it will reach out and call to you. All you have to do is answer.